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Hello, and welcome to our research project on drag queens at Queens University! This project deals with LGBT issues such as fitting in, self-identity and finding your role in society. As young adults, our participants are just beginning to find their way in the world. Since we are researching university students, we wanted to take advantage of this opportunity and get to know a little more about two local drag queens. Our goal was to follow their journey as they tackle not only their schooling but also a part-time drag career on the side. As we begin to unpack our research question, we start to find out more and more about our drag queen participants.


If you are interested in diving into the lives of Kingston's finest performers then make sure to check out all of our findings from the site. Enjoy performances, personal interviews and our overall research conclusion and discussion. If we have sparked your interest, make sure to follow Liam and Andres on their social media and if you're in the Kingston area come and check out a show for yourself. you won't be disappointed!


What is the difference between being a Drag Queen in a University environment, versus other larger settings? How does being a drag queen at queen’s differ from the environments our participants grew up in? 

Liam/Fenny B. Fabb: I'm 19, in my second year at Queens in Drama, one and a half years doing drag professionally, from Toronto. 

(click the link below the photo for a video of the performance)

Andres/Mimi Osa: I'm 21 years old, in my final year as a Gender studies major at Queen’s, hoping to pursue a law degree.

(click the link below the photo for a video of the performance)

Drag Queens at Queen's

Drag Queens at Queen's


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